Diane Griffin ND
Certified CranioSacral Therapist CST-T & D

Services & Rates

Initial and extended sessions

75 minutes: $185

All initial sessions require intake and screening, with opportunity for questions and answers. The intention is to spend about 15 minutes discussing current and past conditions and goals. The balance of time is for the hands on portion of the session. A few minutes will be left at the end of the session for integration, sharing, and rebooking if desired, and payment if not received at the beginning of the session.

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Natural Medicine Consultations

varies hours: 145.00/hour

Very detailed assessments will be made using Iridology, Sclerology, energy patterns in the body and energy field, dietary, exercise, and lifestyle logs, along with current and past health issues. These will be aligned with the client's wellness goals in order to develop a plan to move towards client's desired wellness. Most clients will need to be willing to build and cleanse the body by eating a whole organic food diet, along with exercise. Herbal remedies, Homeopathic remedies, Color Therapy, and Bodywork and other therapies will also be suggested with appropriate referrals to other Professionals, as well..

*Iridology -patterns in the colored part of the eye reflecting genetic imprints and inherited strengths and weaknesses

*Sclerology- patterns in the white part of the eye which indicate current health of the individual

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Visceral Manipulation

1 hour minutes: $145.00

In this modality very specific pressure is placed on the organs of the abdominal, thoracic, pelvic cavity, or cranial vault. The area focused on is determined by the area of greatest restriction determined by non invasive precise manual (hands on) assessments.

Restrictions occur when the connective tissue around organs get adhered, typically after the body experiences inflammation, or trauma. These restrictions often show up as pain in the skeleton and or muscles. Range of motion of affected area typically is affected, and can be palpated by a trained and seasoned therapist.

Often restricted movement and pain felt in the muscles and skeleton, is coming from restriction of the connective tissue around and between organs. The body can often resolve or greatly lessen these problems immediately or within 3 weeks of treatment with the practice of Visceral Manipulation. The client may need a series of sessions to achieve the desired results.  This is simply an astonishing modality. 

Diane's training with Barral Institute

Prerequisite License to do touch therapy

VM 1 24 hour class taken 2x; Teach assisted 5 times

VM 2 24 hour class taken 2x ; Teach assisted 2-3 times 

VM3 &4 24 hours teach assisted 1x

VM 5 24 hours taken 2x

VM 6 24 hour taken 1x

I am also a Barral Approved Study Group leader for VM and have spent countless hours helping other therapists hone their skills.

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Per hour minutes: $145.00

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle yet powerful technique that is effective in releasing head, TMJ, neck, back or pain in other areas of the body. It is know for relieving mental stress & depression. It is often helpful with learning disabilities. It can increase, range-of-motion, and can help assist with expansion and ease of being.

CranioSacral Therapy does this by optimizing the movement of cerebrospinal fluid through the spine and around the skull, by freeing restrictions/scarring in the fascia. The practitioner works with the fascia, aCancel connective soft tissue, which wraps around everything throughout the body, connecting it like a 3-d web.

Developed by osteopathic physicians William Sutherland, furthered by Dr. John Upledger, this therapy provides a deeply soothing and relaxing healing experience. Some have it for the delicious deeply restorative, experience it typically is, some have it to help them feel better, many times much better and in a lasting way.

Typically 3-5 sessions are suggested, to see if this modality will help, then depending on the situation, a treatment plan is formed for continued treatment or referral to another modality or potential release of client.

Diane's training to practice

License to touch.

CST1 24 hours taken 2X Teach Assistant 5 times

CST2 24 hours taken 2x Teach assistant 2-3 times

Techniques & Diplomate Level Certification Many hours are needed to fulfill this including 15-30 typed pages of written test per certification, in person written and practical exam in which all techniques and theory are tested

Approved CST Study Group Leader and presenter of ShareCare a 1 day CST class for professionals and laypersons

SER/ upper level of CST see SER info for more skills and training

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SomatoEmotional Release

1 hour minutes: $145.00

SER Somato Emotional Release (emotions released from the tissues) is an advanced CST technique. It is one which acknowledges and supports the body mind and spirit to release emotional charges that are being held in the tissues. This process can be a silent process or one of open ended dialogue. A deeper sense of peace is typically available after a client lets go, allowing freedom where tensional patterns existed before, opening all kinds of new possibilities.

Diane's SER training

SER1 24 hours (4 days) ,Teach Assisted 2X

SER2 24 hours (4 days) 

Advanced 1 30 hours (5 Days) This was taken in Iceland and part of the training took place at the Blue Lagoon as multiple hands on sessions in the water. The other part was spent in multiple hands on sessions and detailed review of each session

Diplomate Certification (countless hours) There are many tasks that need to be completed to earn this certification, including 15-30 typed answers to written questions, co-treating clients with a mentor, presenting CST to a group, or being published and an in-person written and detailed practical test, in which all techniques of SER are tested and some CST techniques are tested. At the time this was written there spring 22, there were only 4 other Diplomat practitioners in the state of PA.

BADA  24 hours This course in includes working in the water with dolphins assisting the therapy each of the 4 days, and multiple hands on sessions on the table, in a pool and in the ocean

Shared Connections 24 hour class consisting of multiple hands on sessions in the classroom, in the pool and ocean and a morning of doing therapy with dolphins assisting the CST SER sessions at UNEXSO, and a morning of swimming with the dolphins

DACT 24 hours each DAT Diane volunteers on her own dime to attend this advanced 4-day CranioSacral Therapy program in Grand Bahamas, for a number of years, and is planning to continue on into the future, as a therapist working in multiple hands-on teams with clients on the table, in a pool and at UNEXSO in the water with dolphins assisting the therapy with the clients, of their free will. Diane has been privileged to be a Primary Therapist, multiple times, responsible for holding the therapeutic container for the therapist and the other therapists on her team. Working alongside the dolphins as the leaders of the therapy is magical and awesome! If you are interested in being a client, please let Diane call to discuss the possibility.

CTP This is a 5 day Intensive CranioSacral/SER Therapy program for US Veterans held at the Upledger Clinic in West Palm Beach FL, in November. Veterans are treated throughout the day for all 5 days in multiple hands-on sessions by Advanced CranioSacral Therapists, with the Upledger Foundation paying for the bulk of the cost of the program, for the Veterans. Diane attended on her own dime, as a therapist. She was honored to be a primary Therapist, responsible for holding the healing container for clients and her daily teams of Therapists in November 2022. Wow! Powerful adventure!

Approved UI study group leader Diane has been helping less advanced CST students grow for many years

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Nerve Manipulation/ Vascular Manipulation

Per hour minutes: $145.00

These Modalities are great for Trauma survivors who have chronic pain. Trauma can be from accidents, events like falls, car wrecks, hits, jarring or violent attacks.  It can be caused by high fevers and chronic inflammation or exposure to toxins. Pain may show up within months of the event, more often, many, many years later. These Modalities are deeply relaxing to the entire nervous system, and has helped people regain loss of movement, even from paralyzation, and pain, with often quite startling results. Amazing work! Sometimes a number of sessions are needed to work through the scar tissue and adhesions, sometimes it is faster.

Diane's Training for NM

prerequisite CST1 and license to touch.

NM1 24 hours/ 4 days

NM2 24 hour/ 4 days

NM3 24 hours/ 4 days

NM4 24 hours/ 4 days

Visceral Vascular Manipulation of the upper body 24 hours/ 4 days

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Chikly's Osteopathic Brain Work& UI Touching the Brain

Per hour minutes: $145.00

Freeing the structures of the brain such as the thalamus, hypothalamus, and cerebellum, pituitary, reticular alarm system amygdala, cranial nerves, spinal cord, nerve plexi, eyes and structures in and around the eyes etc. with amazing benefits to cranial (head) and body functions. and balance. Most people do not have a reference point for how miraculous these detailed manual techniques can be. This is just awesome, if applicable to a clients needs.

Brain1 24 hours, 4/ days, & Teach Assistant 1x

Brain2 18 hours, 3/ days, & Teach Assistant 1x

Brain3 18 hours, 3/ days & Teach Assistant 1x

Brain 4 18 hours, 3/ days

BEMC 18 hours, 3/ days

Touching the Brain 4 days/ 24 hours

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Raindrop Technique

Per hour minutes: $175

 A technique of dropping significant amounts of 9 Young Living Pure Essential Oils on the client's spinal column and muscles around the spine combined with soft tissue massage techniques, vitaflex techniques and hot compresses. These techniques with the oils promote healing of the soft tissues around the vertebral column. Many clients report a lengthening of the back, spine and deep pain relief. Some actually measure a little taller, often times needing to adjust the rear view mirror. (If this service is provided as an initial session the time scheduled will be 75 min and cost is $215.00)

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Polarity Therapy

Per hour minutes: $145.00

Polarity therapy is a type of bodywork which is focused on the energy fields of the body, rather than the focusing on physical body itself. Specific areas are negative, positive or neutral. The practitioner places hands on oppositely charged areas of a client to enhance current flow, like a battery recharging. Relief is typically felt in the physical body as well as energetically.

This type of body work is also called energy work, because the practitioner intentions and places hands on or near the body, to balance the energy fields of the body. During a polarity therapy session, the therapist and client usually work together in a very calm, relaxed environment.

A deep way to invest a half an hour to 1 hour.

Typically preformed with client dressed.

Can be done in 30 min sessions.

Diane's training for this

One of Lehigh Valley Healing Arts Special focus class

Teaching these techniques many times

Countless areas of receiving and giving hands on sessions

Personal Meditation and yoga practice in order to be clear 

Clean Diet and good quality water, plus time in nature and gardening to maintain high vibration

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Group & Private Yoga Classes

varies minutes: varies

Hatha Yoga based on Himalayan Institute Philosophy, Alignment, and Structure Breath and Meditation

*Group classes Held at Sincerity Massage Leesport, PA 19522

Mondays 7AM Hatha, 8:30am Chair, 10:00AM Meditation 15.00 each /60.00 package of 5

Thursdays 6PM Hatha, 7:30PM Restorative

*Private or Semi-Private classes held in Fleetwood (50.00/hour for 2023) current special suggested minimum $25.00 cash donation

Diane's Training

200 Yoga Teaching certificate from Himalayan Institute

Personal Practice for 30+ years

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Per hour minutes: $145.00

Reiki is a Japanese word and is an ancient form of delightful and deep Spiritual healing work. This work can also bring up areas that need to be focused on and shifted, which is not always pleasant to work through, but always rewarding when cleared, bringing more richness to life each day following the clearing. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. During a session, the Universe through Dr. D., works directly with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying on of hands to conduct the necessary energy force between the practitioner and the client. It can be sent through time and space.

Benefits of Reiki can range from the release of habitual mental/emotional stress to alleviating chronic pain, and opening to joy, expansion, and latent gifts. Many clients have commented on the deep nurturing and extraordinary experience of receiving Reiki. This modality is typically preformed with a client who is dressed.

Dr. D. Teaches all levels of Reiki, by request and has been doing this for 20 plus years.


Certificate was earned 

Reiki 1


Reiki 3 /Master teacher 

Karuna Reiki 1& 2

Dr. D. Has spent many many hours giving, receiving, teaching and practicing self Reiki

She has spent countless hours receiving all kinds of healing modalities in order to be the clearest vessel and highest vibration possible to allow the transfer of Divine light to clients

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